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Lyytimäki, J., Nygrén, N. A., Pulkka, A., & Rantala, S. (2018). Energy transition looming behind the headlines? Newspaper coverage of biogas production in Finland. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 8(1), 1–11.
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Sutherland, W. J., Armstrong, D., Butchart, S. H. M., Earnhardt, J. M., Ewen, J., Jamieson, I., Jones, C. G., Lee, R., Newbery, P., Nichols, J. D., Parker, K. A., Sarrazin, F., Seddon, P. J., Shah, N., & Tatayah, V. (2010). Standards for documenting and monitoring bird reintroduction projects. Conservation Letters, 3(4), 229–235.
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