VLeBooks is an eBook platform from Browns Books designed specifically for use in schools, colleges and universities. Browns Books have more than 280,000 titles from more than 2000 publishers, and new titles are added every month. To see LU's content, choose "In My Library".
There are two ways to read a book on VLe:
Getting started with Adobe Digital Editions FAQ. Any devices that supports Adobe Digital Editions will allow downloads from VLeBooks. This includes PCs, laptops, Macs, Apple devices, most android devices (including Kindle Fire), and most eReaders (but not a Kindle reader).
Several user guides are available, for a printable guide see the PDF below.
How to… use the VLeBooks Reader
How to… download a VLeBook
How to… use VLeBooks for Android Devices
How to… use VLeBooks for Apple Devices
How to… VLeBooks Accessibility guide
Information för bibliotekarier
De e-böcker vi hade köpt med tillgång på Dawsonera som vi inte lyckats flytta över till andra plattformar när Dawsonera stängdes har vi nu fått tillgång till på VLeBooks. Observera att användarvillkoren nödvändigtvis inte är de samma, se titellista med användarvillkor nedan.
Information för användare vid LTH som har Linux
E-böckerna på VLeBooks är i acsm-format och det krävs Adobe Digital Editions för att kunna låna dem, men ADE stödjer för närvarande inte Linux. Det går dock att installera programmet via WINE, här finns en steg-för-steg guide för hur man gör. Behöver du hjälp med installationen kan du kontakta Datordriftgruppen på LTH.
Name | VLeBooks |
Publisher/Provider | Browns Books, UK |
Subjects included | Multidisciplinary |
Type of resource | Platform with ebooks in fulltext. |
Fulltext format | HTML (vlereader) and ASCM-files (for download) |
Accessibility | Via IP address |
Login authentication required | No, not on LU-campus. If you are off-campus you will be prompted to login via LU's Central Authentication Service (CAS) with a Student Account or LUCAT-ID. |
Number of concurrent users | Varies between 1 - 3 users and an unlimited number of concurrent users (see title list above for details). |
Download required | No, the books can be read online in the vlereader without being downloaded. |
Must be borrowed | No, the books can be read online in the vlereader without being downloaded, i.e borrowed. |
Number of days for download | One (1) day |
Download and read offline | Yes. You can download the entire ebook and read when you are not connected to the Internet. The free VLeBooks app also allows a downloaded eBook to be read offline. |
Download to a portable device | Yes, you can read the books on mobile devices. They require at least iOS 5.0 or Android 4.0 to read online, although the app will allow downloading for offline reading with older versions. |
Copying | Each user can copy 10% of the content, but a few publishers impose different limits. The reader will display the number of pages copied/printed and the number of pages remaining. |
Printing | Each user can print 10% of the content, but a few publishers impose different limits. The reader will display the number of pages copied/printed and the number of pages remaining. |
Text to speech | Yes, ReadAloud is available in the vlereader. The online reader allows for 5 different zoom levels in addition to the browser's standard zoom functionality. The background colour can be set to 8 different shades to aid dyslexic users. |
Export references | Yes |
Export formats | RIS |
How do I suggest a purchase | Students and staff: Please contact your faculty library. Librarians: Se Förvärv av elektroniska resurser för mer info. |
Restrictions | Walk-in users: Users not affiliated with Lund University may be permitted access to VLeBooks, but only within the physical premises of Lund University Libraries. |
Interlibrary loan / Fjärrlån | No |
Text and Data Mining Policy | |
Miscellaneous | Browser requirements: Internet Explorer 8 and above, Firefox 4 and above, Chrome 12 and above, Safari 5 and above. JavaScript must be enabled within the browser. |