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Norstedts striped dictionaries
2015 tog NE Nationalencyklopedin över utgivningen av Norstedts ordböcker som
bytte namn till NE:s Ordböcker och blev tillgängliga på samma plattform som Nationalencyklopedin, NE.se. Observera att både plattformen och sökverktyget för ordböckerna endast är tillgängliga på svenska.

Flera av ordböckerna på NE.se finns också som app som kan användas offline.
NE:s ordboksapp innehåller NE:s engelska, spanska, franska, tyska och arabiska ordböcker. Observera att NE:s övriga tjänster är helt webbaserade och därmed inte fungerarar offline, dvs utan internetåtkomst. Gör så här för att få tillgång till ordböckerna i appen:
1. Skapa ett personligt konto på NE.se, se ikonen bredvid ’Lunds Universitet’ längst upp till höger, välj ”Skapa personligt konto”.
2. Ladda ner appen på App Store eller Google Play och logga ni med ditt personliga konto.

The so called “striped” dictionaries were previously published by Norstedts but are as of 2017 published by NE Nationalencyklopedin as NE:s Dictionaries and available on the same website as Nationalencyklopedin, NE.se. Please note that the website is only available in Swedish.

Available dictionaries:
  Swedish:  Svensk ordbok
  Swedish:  Svenska synonymer
  English:  Svenska - Engelska ; Engelska - Svenska
  English:  Engelsk teknisk ordbok
  German:  Svenska - Tyska ; Tyska - Svenska
  Spanish:  Svenska - Spanska ; Spanska - Svenska
  French:  Svenska - Franska ; Franska - Svenska

   Italian:  Svenska - Italienska ; Italienska - Svenska       
  Russian:  Svenska - Ryska ; Ryska - Svenska

Other languages - Lexin dictionaries from The Language Council of Sweden, Institute for Languages and Folklore.

Swedish – Albanian, Swedish – Amharic, Swedish – Azerbaijani, Swedish – Bosnian, Swedish – Finnish, Swedish – Greek, Swedish – Croatian, Swedish - North Kurdish, Swedish - Southern Kurdish, Swedish – Pashto, Swedish – Persian, Swedish - Serbian (Latin), Swedish - Serbian (Cyrillic), Swedish – Somali, Swedish – Tigrinska, Swedish – Turkish.

Lund University Libraries also have access to Oxford Reference Online where you will find several Bilingual Dictionaries.


Name NE:s Dictionaries / NE:s Ordböcker
Publisher/Provider NE Nationalencyklopedin AB
Subjects included - -
Type of resource Dictionaries
Fulltext format HTML
Accessibility Via IP address.
Login authentication required No, not on LU-campus. If you are off-campus you will be prompted to login via LU's Central Authentication Service (CAS) with a Student Account or LUCAT-ID.
Number of concurrent users Unlimited
Download required No
Must be borrowed No
Number of days for download - -
Download and read offline Yes, some dictionaries are available offline.
Download to a portable device Apps for NE:s dictionaries can be downloaded on iTunes and Google Play. For instructions, see information above.
Copying Authorized users (registered students and staff) at Lund University may copy or print out single copies of individual articles or entries in the dictionaries for personal use or scholarly, educational, or scientific research. By individual item is meant one (1) article or entry. In no case is re-sale, systematic redistribution or any commercial use allowed.
Printing Authorized users (registered students and staff) at Lund University may copy or print out single copies of individual articles or entries in the dictionaries for personal use or scholarly, educational, or scientific research. By individual item is meant one (1) article or entry. In no case is re-sale, systematic redistribution or any commercial use allowed.
Text to speech No
Export references No
Export formats - -
How do I suggest a purchase Students and staff: Please contact your faculty library.
Librarians: Se Förvärv av elektroniska resurser för mer info.
Restrictions Walk-in users: Users not affiliated with Lund University may be permitted access to NE:s dictionaries, but only within the physical premises of Lund University Libraries.
Course Packs: Yes, you may incorporate parts of the licensed materials in printed Course Packs (but not electronic) for the preparation of educational course materials at Lund University, with all the rights notices duly presented. If you are in doubt as to what is allowed, always ask your library first.

Interlibrary loan / Fjärrlån

Yes, librarians may supply another publicly funded library in Sweden (but not outside) with a single paper copy (by post or fax) or an electronic copy of an individual document for the purposes of research or private study, but not for commercial use. If done electronically the file must be printed out by the recieving library and the electronic file deleted immediately after printing a paper copy. By individual document is meant one (1) article or section in the encyclopedia.
Text and Data Mining (TDM) Policy  
Miscellaneous NE's new web site is adjusted to Internet Explorer 9 or higher.