Thieme MedOne Education is an online collection of illustrated, full-color textbooks. The collection consists of 156 titles (June 2021), including the Color Atlas Series.
You can search either in a specific ebook or in all ebooks at the same time. If you create a personalized account you can create bookshelves, set bookmarks, add notes, copy and print content directly, or download and print full chapters. Please note that there are restrictions for downloading and printing, for more information see below.
Name | Thieme MedOne Education eBooks |
Publisher/Provider | Thieme Medical Publishers |
Subjects included | Anatomy, Basic Sciences, Clinical Sciences, Radiology |
Type of resource | Platform with ebooks in fulltext |
Fulltext format | |
Accessibility | Via IP address |
Login authentication required | No, not on LU-campus. If you are off-campus you will be prompted to login via LU's Central Authentication Service (CAS) with a Student Account or LUCAT-ID. |
Number of concurrent users | Multiple concurrent access (multiple people reading at the same time) |
Download required | No |
Must be borrowed | No |
Number of days for download | - - |
Download and read offline | Yes, choose Mobile Access for download/user instructions. Please note that a title can only be downloaded once per session. |
Download to a portable device | Yes, the iPublishCentralReader app can be downloaded from from Thieme MedOne Education for Windows and iOS. Choose Download App at the top of the page. |
Copying |
You may download copies of individual articles or other items of the licensed material. Such copying is limited to making single copies of a reasonable number of individual items. You may not erase, delete or modify Thieme copyright notices included on the publications. |
Printing | You may print out copies of individual articles or other items of the licensed material. Such printing is limited to making single copies of a reasonable number of individual items. You may not erase, delete or modify Thieme copyright notices included on the publications. |
Text to speech | Yes, the PDF-files are compatible with text-to-speech software. You can also download an ebook or a chapter and use text-to-speech software. |
Export references | No |
Export formats | - - |
How do I suggest a purchase | Students and staff: Please contact your faculty library. Librarians: Se Förvärv av elektroniska resurser för mer info. |
Restrictions | Walk-in users: users not affiliated with Lund University may be permitted access to Thieme MedOne Education, but only within the physical premises of Lund University Libraries. Pass on documents: Authorized users (students and staff at Lund University) may only transmit items from the ebooks to other authorized users. You may not provide copies, in print or electronically, of licensed material to users outside Lund University, not even for research, private study or otherwise. Course Packs: Authorized users may distribute printed parts of the licensed material for classroom use, referring to the fair use rules. This means individual articles and other items in a reasonable number, not a complete ebook. "Fair use" permits limited use of copyrighted material without acquiring permission from the rights holders. |
Interlibrary loan / Fjärrlån | Yes, librarians may use printed copies of single chapters from Thieme MedOne Education for ILL. lnterlibrary loan in any electronic format is not permitted. |
Text and Data Mining Policy | |
Miscellaneous | Adobe Reader needs to be installed in order to download full chapter content. |