In 2018 Wiley migrated all content to the new Wiley Online Library (WOL) platform. WOL is an open platform which means that you can preview table of contents (front matter), references, abstract and figures/tables for most titles, but fulltext is only available for subscribed titles. LU's licensed content include: Journals, eBooks and Reference Works.
Please note that Lund University Libraries does not have access to all content on Wiley Online Library. The following icons tell you what content LU have access to:
- content available via a current subscription
- free access to all users
Wiley also have Open Access content that is available as OA articles.
LU also subscribe to Wiley Current Protocols that are available on their own website. Current Protocols consists of laboratory protocols and comprises more than 18,000 techniques and procedures across 18 titles. In the natural sciences, a protocol is a predefined written procedural method, used to standardize a laboratory method and ensure successful replication of results. LU subscribes to five (5) Protocols and have access to ten (10) Protocols with limited content (post-cancellation access).
Name | Wiley Online Library |
Publisher/Provider | Wiley (John Wiley & Sons) |
Subjects included | Agriculture, Aquaculture & Food Science ; Architecture & Planning ; Art & Applied Arts ; Business, Economics, Finance & Accounting ; Chemistry ; Computer Science & Information Technology ; Earth, Space & Environmental Sciences ; Humanities ; Law & Criminology ; Life Sciences ; Mathematics & Statistics ; Medicine ; Nursing, Dentistry & Healthcare ; Physical Sciences & Engineering ; Psychology ; Social & Behavioral Sciences ; Veterinary Medicine. |
Type of resource | Platform with e-resources in full text. |
Fulltext format | HTML, PDF |
Accessibility | Via IP address |
Login authentication required | No, not on LU-campus. If you are off-campus you will be prompted to login via LU's Central Authentication Service (CAS) with a Student Account or LUCAT-ID. |
Number of concurrent users | Multiple concurrent access (multiple people reading at the same time) |
Download required | No |
Must be borrowed | No |
Number of days for download | - - |
Download and read offline | Yes, if the device supports PDF format and Adobe Acrobat Reader. |
Download to a portable device | Wiley Online Library is accessible on mobile devices but is not specifically optimized for those platforms. |
Copying | Authorized users (registered students and staff) at Lund University may download and print out single copies of individual articles, chapters or entries but solely for personal use or scholarly, educational, or scientific research or professional use. By individual item is meant one (1) article, chapter or entry but not a complete journal or book. In no case is re-sale, systematic redistribution or any commercial use allowed. In addition authorized users have the right to use, with appropriate credit, figures, tables and brief excerpts from individual articles, chapters or other entries from the licensed electronic resources on Wiley Online Library in their own scientific, scholarly and educational works such as books and articles. |
Printing | Authorized users (registered students and staff) at Lund University may download and print out single copies of individual articles, chapters or entries but solely for personal use or scholarly, educational, or scientific research or professional use. By individual item is meant one (1) article, chapter or entry but not a complete journal or book. In no case is re-sale, systematic redistribution or any commercial use allowed. In addition authorized users have the right to use, with appropriate credit, figures, tables and brief excerpts from individual articles, chapters or other entries from the licensed electronic resources on Wiley Online Library in their own scientific, scholarly and educational works such as books and articles. |
Text to speech | Yes, the PDF-files are compatible with text-to-speech software |
Export references | Yes |
Export formats | EndNote, Reference Manager, RefWorks, ProCite, and plain text. |
How do I suggest a purchase | Students and staff: Please contact your faculty library. Librarians: Se Förvärv av elektroniska resurser för mer info. |
Restrictions | Walk-in users: Users not affiliated with Lund University may be permitted access to Wileys fulltext content, but only within the physical premises of Lund University Libraries from designated terminals. Course Packs: Registered faculty staff at Lund University may download and print out licensed material from Wiley Online Library for the purpose of making course packs for classroom use to be distributed to registered students. All copyright and proprietary notices must be duly presented. The course packs may be distributed free of charge or at a cost-based fee. Registered students and staff at LU may not integrate material from Wiley Online Library with other material or otherwise create new works in any medium. However, brief quotations for purposes of comment, criticism or similar scholarly purposes are not prohibited. |
Interlibrary loan / Fjärrlån | Yes, librarians may supply another publicly funded library in Sweden (but not outside) with a single paper copy (by post or fax) or an electronic copy of an individual document for the purposes of research or private study, but not for commercial use. If done electronically the file must be printed out by the recieving library and the electronic file deleted immediately after printing a paper copy. By individual document is meant one (1) article or book chapter, but not a complete journal or book. |
Text and Data Mining Policy | Instructions for TDM on Wiley content. |
Miscellaneous | Users can create a My Profile Page which will allow you to create data files and links to articles, chapters and entries, as well as search criteria. To do so you must create and register a user name and password. |