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Lund University

Reference guide for APA 7th edition

Reference guide for APA 7th edition intended for students at the department of Biology and CEC, Lund University. NB! If you access the guide using a smartphone, the text will open below the menu.

Works in another language

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When citing a work in a different language from the one you are using in your text, write the reference in the original language but provide a translation of the title in square brackets after the original title. If a translation of the title is provided by the author of the work you want to cite, use this translation. If no translation is provided, translate the title to the best of your ability. If the work cited is part of a larger work (e.g. a chapter in an edited book), you do not need to translate the title of the larger work (e.g. the title of the edited book). If the original language uses a different alphabet from the language used in your text (e.g. Arabic, Mandarin or Russian), transliterate the text into the Roman alphabet.

Examples of references in the reference list

Ljungberg, H. (2002a). Bete, störning och biologisk mångfald i odlingslandskapet: Hotade skalbaggar i öländska torrmarker [Grazing, disturbance and biodiversity: Threatened beetles in the drylands of Öland] (Meddelande 2002:20). Länsstyrelsen Kalmar län.

Ljungberg, H. (2002b). Våra rödlistade jordlöpares habitatkrav [Important habitats for red-listed ground beetles in Sweden]. Entomologisk tidskrift, 123(4), 167-185.

Nationalencyklopedin. (n.d.). Akvakultur [Aquaculture]. In Retrieved October 8, 2020, from

Naturvårdsverket. (2007). Tillsyn med framsyn: Naturvårdsverkets tillsynsvägledning 2007 – 2009 [Far-sighted monitoring: The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's guidelines for how to conduct monitoring 2007 – 2009] (Report No. 5675).

Tyler, C., & Waldheim, S. (1983). Kalkmyrar och fuktängar i 1940-talets Skåne [Fens and fen meadows in S. Sweden as they were in the 1940:s] (Meddelande från Växtekologiska institutionen Lunds universitet No. 51). Lunds Universitet.