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Lund University

Reference guide for APA 7th edition

Reference guide for APA 7th edition intended for students at the department of Biology and CEC, Lund University. NB! If you access the guide using a smartphone, the text will open below the menu.

Chapters in authored books

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The instructions on this page concern references to chapters in authored books, i.e. books where all chapters have the same author(s)When citing chapters in authored books, the chapter is indicated in the in-text reference only and not in the reference list. If a DOI has been assigned to the book, include this number in the reference. 

Do not forget to consult the general instructions on how to write references according to APA (7th edition), including 

Template for how to format references to chapters in authored books in the reference list

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (YYYY). Title of book (#th ed., Vol. #). Publisher. DOI

Examples of in-text references to chapters in authored books

Parenthetical citation Narrative citation
(Beletsky, 1996, Chapter 3) Beletsky (1996, Chapter 3) states that...

Examples of references to chapters in authored books in the reference list

Beletsky, L. (1996). The red-winged blackbird: The biology of a strongly polygenous songbird. Academic press.  ​