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Reference guide for APA 7th edition

Reference guide for APA 7th edition intended for students at the department of Biology and CEC, Lund University. NB! If you access the guide using a smartphone, the text will open below the menu.

Entries in encyclopedias and dictionaries

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The instructions on this page concern references to entries in encyclopedias and dictionaries. Some encyclopedias/dictionaries will have a group author, e.g. organization or company, instead of a personal author. If the publisher is the same as the group author, omit the publisher from the source element. If the encyclopedia/dictionary does not have an editor, leave out this part and simply state "In" followed by the title of the encyclopedia/dictionary. For entries in online encyclopedia or dictionary, include the month and day in the publication date if available. If the online reference work is continously uppdated and the versions are not archived, state "n.d." as the year of publication and conclude the reference with information on the retrieval date in addition to the URL. 

If a DOI has been assigned to the encyclopedia/dictionary, include this number in the reference. If the encyclopedia/dictionary is in an online format, use the URL of the webpage from which it was retrieved. If the encyclopedia/dictionary was accessed in print, no DOI or URL is included.

Do not forget to consult the general instructions on how to write references according to APA (7th edition), including 

Template for how to format references to entries in encyclopedias and dictionaries in the reference list

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (YYYY). Title of entry. In C. C. Editor & D. D. Editor (Eds.), Title of encyclopedia/dictionary (#th ed., Vol. #, pp. page number-page number). Publisher. DOI

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (YYYY, Month DD). Title of entry. In C. C. Editor & D. D. Editor (Eds.), Title of encyclopedia/dictionary. Publisher. URL

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (YYYY, Month DD). Title of entry. In Title of encyclopedia/dictionary. Publisher. URL

Name of Group. (n.d.). Title of entry. In Title of encyclopedia/dictionary. Publisher. Retrieved Month DD, YYYY, from URL

Examples of in-text references to entries in encyclopedias and dictionaries

Parenthetical citation Narrative citation
(Dahlgren et al., 2008)  Dahlgren et al. (2008) summarized this in an entry in Encyclopedia of soil science...
(Nationalencyklopedin, n.d.) According to Nationalencyklopedin (n.d.)
(Rogers et al., 2019) In an entry in Encyclopædia britannica, Rogers et al. (2019) defines...

Examples of references to entries in encyclopedias and dictionaries in the reference list

Dahlgren, R.A., Macías, F., Arbestain, M.C., & Chesworth, W. (2008). Acid soils. In W. Chesworth (Ed.), Encyclopedia of soil science. Springer.

Nationalencyklopedin. (n.d.). Akvakultur [Aquaculture]. In NE. Retrieved October 8, 2020, from

Rogers, K., Green, E. R., & Joshi, S. H. (2019, November 25). Biology. In Encyclopædia britannica.