When reproducing visual work (e.g. artwork, photographs, figures, tables or maps) from another source, a copyright attribution is used in stead of an in-text reference. This copyright attribution is placed at the end of the general note below the figure or table, and any in-text references only need to refer to the figure/table in question (e.g. "Figure 1", "Table 1" etc.). A full reference to the source is also given in the reference list (see separate instructions for the different source types).
NB! Please remember that visual works are protected by copyright law, which means that a permission from the copyright holder is needed in addition to the copyright attribution and reference.
The instructions in this section concern reprints of stand-alone visual works such as artwork, photographs and maps. For stand-alone visual works, you refer to the original visual art work itself in both the copyright attribution and in the reference list. The copyright attribution is written according to the instructions in this section. If you accessed the source online, include the URL of the website from which it was retrieved.
The copyright attribution should contain information about the copyright status, that is who the copyright holder is and what year the work was copyrighted using the template "Copyright YYYY by Name of Copyright holder". The copyright attribution should also include a permission statement. If permission to reprint/adapt the work has been sought and obtained, provide the permission statement at the end of the copyright attribution either in the format "Reprinted with permission", "Adapted with permission" or according to specific requirements of the copyright holder. If the copyright has expired and the work is in the public domain, you state "In the public domain". If the work is available open access under a Creative Commons license, you should state the name of the license (e.g. CC BY-SA 4.0) and provide a link to the Creative Commons web page with information about the license (se example below). The Creative Commons license option that the copyright holder has selected will determine what you are allowed to do with the work (e.g. if you are allowed to modify the work or not), so make sure you read the terms of the license in question.
Do not forget to consult the general instructions on how to write references according to APA (7th edition), including
Figure/Table #
Table/figure heading
[The table/figure itself]
Note. General note including description and copyright attribution.
Note. Description of figure/table. From/Adapted from Title of work, by A. A. Creator, YYYY, Publisher (URL). Copyright status. Permission statement.
Note. Hand colored engraving of Papaver rhoeas from the 18th century. From Red poppy, by E. Blackwell, 1739, Lund University Library (http://www.alvin-portal.org/alvin/view.jsf?pid=alvin-record%3A251341&dswid=1588). In the public domain.
Note. The study site is situated on sandy glaciofluvial deposits. Adapted from Jordarter 1:25 000 - 1:100 000 [Soil types 1:25 000 - 1:100 000], by Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, 2014 (https://maps.slu.se). Copyright 2014 by SGU. Reprinted with permission.
Note. The beach at Sea Ranch, California, is home to a number of seal species. From Seals, by I. McKellar, 2008, Flickr (https://www.flickr.com/photos/ianloic/2730480891). CC BY-SA 2.0. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/)
Note. From Wild boar (Sus scrofa) with piglets digging up food in the soil with its snout in autumn forest in the Belgian Ardennes, Belgium, by J. De Meester, 2018, Britannica Image Quest (https://quest.eb.com/search/321_1754788/1/321_1754788/cite). Copyright 2018 by Arterra/Johan De Meester. Reprinted with permission.