Human Rights Law Review promotes awareness, knowledge, and discussion on matters of human rights law and policy.
The Review publishes critical articles that consider human rights in their various contexts, from global to national levels, book reviews, and a section dedicated to analysis of recent jurisprudence and practice of the UN and regional human rights systems.
JHRP is the main academic journal focusing on human rights practice and activism. The application of human rights, and its study, has grown exponentially over the last two decades. The journal covers all aspects of human rights activism, spanning professional and geographical boundaries. It seeks to challenge conventional ways of working, stimulate innovation, encourage reflective practice, highlight fieldwork and evidence, and engage a global audience.
Now entering its twenty-fifth year, Human Rights Quarterly is widely recognizedas the leader in the field of human rights. The Quarterly provides up-to-date information on important developments within the United Nations and regional human rights organizations, both governmental and non-governmental. It presents current work in human rights research and policy analysis, reviews of related books, and philosophical essays probing the fundamental nature of human rights as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Human Rights Review provides a forum where human rights issues and their underlying theoretical and philosophical foundations are developed and debated. Essays provide theoretical, historical, and empirical analyses of human rights concerns. Papers address the moral and political interpretation and application of human rights legislation in the international community.
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Provocatio ges ut av Avdelningen för mänskliga rättigheter vid Lunds universitet. Provocatio syftar till att vara en arena för kritisk och konstruktiv analys av och diskussion om mänskliga rättigheter. Tidskriften syftar i första hand till att göra studenters arbeten tillgängliga för en bredare läsekrets.
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