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A Dictionary of Food and Nutrition av David A. Bender
This leading dictionary contains over 6,150 entries covering all aspects of food and nutrition, diet and health. Jargon-free definitions make this a valuable dictionary that clearly explains even the most technical of nutritional terms. From absinthe to zymogens, it covers types of food(including everyday foods and little-known foods, e.g. payusnaya) nutritional information, vitamins, minerals, and key scientific areas including metabolism and genomics.This new and fully revised edition features many entry-level web links, accessible via the Dictionary of Food and Nutrition companion website, providing relevant and up-to-date extra information. Expanded appendices contain a wealth of useful material, including Recommended Daily Allowance lists.An essential A-Z for nutritionists, food manufacturers, caterers, health-care students, food science/technology students, and anyone who has an interest in, or enjoys, food.
ISBN: 9780199234875
Publikationsdatum: 2009-03-05
Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition av Academic Press
The role of nutrition in improving quality of life and combating disease is undeniable -- and researchers from different disciplines are bringing their perspectives to bear on this fundamental topic. The 4-volume Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition, Third Edition, is a thorough revision of the previous award-winning version and reflects the scientific advances in the field of human nutrition. It presents the latest understanding on a wide range of nutrition-related topics including food safety, weight management, vitamins, bioengineering of foods, plant based diet and raw foods among others. New articles on organic food, biofortification, nutritional labeling and the effect of religious customs on diet, among many others, reflect the dedication to currency in this revision. It not only contains the most current and thorough information available on the topic, but also contains broader cross-referencing on emerging opportunities for potential treatment and prevention of diseases. An ideal starting point for scientific research, Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition, Third Edition, continues to provide authoritative information in an accessible format, making this complex discipline available to readers at both the professional and non-professional level. Selected for inclusion in Doody's Core Titles 2013, an essential collection development tool for health sciences libraries Approximately 30% new content ensures readers have the latest research information Extensive cross-referencing provides key connections between topics in this multidisciplinary field Presents current information on relationships between disease and nutrition Covers thoroughly topics ranging from nutrient biochemistry and function to clinical nutrition and the epidemiology of diet, health and disease.
ISBN: 9780123848857
Publikationsdatum: 2012-12-28
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences av Wiley
Wiley is pleased to announce the recent acquisition of the prestigious Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS) from the Nature Publishing Group. "The most ambitious single source reference source ever produced in the biological sciences" --American Reference Books Annual Spanning the entire spectrum of life science research, the Encyclopedia features more than 3,000 specially commissioned and peer-reviewed articles. These concentrate primarily on the molecular and cellular life sciences, including biochemical topics, methods and techniques. Applied areas of science are also included on a selective basis, as are biographies and general interest articles on ethics and the history of science. Articles are divided into three categories indicating their level of complexity: Introductory articles ELS features more than 1,400 introductory level articles. These have been written primarily for undergraduates and non-specialists requiring the basic concepts of a particular subject. Scientists and researchers looking to extend their knowledge outside their own specific field of interest will also find these articles useful. Advanced articles Over 1,800 advanced articles provide more detailed discussions of specialised subjects, at a level equivalent to that found in graduate level texts. Keynote articles Written by leading international scientists, these keynote articles cover hot topics and controversial issues. All articles have been rigorously peer-reviewed and edited prior to publication by an international Editorial Advisory Board of 180 subject specialist advisors. Most articles are accompanied by colour illustrations and tables, with appendix and glossary material providing essential information for the non-specialist, including biochemical and taxonomic information, acronyms/synonyms, units and other technical data. "In particular, the illustrations are excellent..." --Microbiology Today The ELS provides an excellent source of information for undergraduates, graduates, post-graduates, teachers/lecturers as well as professionals and researchers working in the biomedical sciences and related areas. Although chapters on more complex subjects have been written primarily for those with a scientific background, unnecessary technical jargon is avoided, enabling the material to be accessed by the non-specialist. "This resource is a must-have for all biological sciences libraries and most larger academic and public libraries. It will be used often by undergraduate and graduate biology students, scientists, researchers, professors and government employees and journalists." --American Reference Books Annual
ISBN: 9780470016176
Publikationsdatum: 2005-10-14
Pocket Atlas of Nutrition av Hans Konrad Biesalski; Peter Grimm
Concise, practical, and designed for quick reference. With obesity and diabetes assuming alarming epidemic proportions, diet and nutrition are in the spotlight more than ever before. It has never been more important for health care professionals to be well informed, not only about the latest developments, but also about the scientific facts. The Pocket Atlas of Nutrition is an accessible guide to all aspects of nutrition, from basic chemistry to the most recent dietary guidelines. Includes: More than 150 easy-to-understand, full-color plates A comprehensive list of nutrients, including for each its composition, effect, function, occurrence and daily requirements, as well as recommended intake An extensive listing of all vitamins, minerals, trace elements as well as non-nutritive substances with their function and interaction Accessible discussions of special diets as well as nutritional recommendations for various medical conditions and throughout the life course, e.g. for pregnant women or athletes Up-to-date coverage of food-related diseases, including BSE, genetically modified foods, food quality, food allergies, and functional foods We are bombarded by new information and claims about nutrition every day. The Pocket Atlas of Nutrition -- concise, practical, and designed for quick reference -- is an ideal basic guide for professionals and interested lay readers alike.
ISBN: 9783131354815
Publikationsdatum: 2005-03-09
IATEFlerspråkig termordlista EU
Svensk MeshDu kan använda Svenska MeSH översätt medicinska termer från svenska till engelska.