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Lund University


En ämnesguide för studenter och forskare samt lärare vid Institutionen för psykologi på Lunds universitet

Ämnesarkiv och repositorier

I ett ämnesarkiv eller repositorium publiceras till exempel preprints, rapporter, konferenspresentationer, forskningsdata och avhandlingar. Man kan även hitta forskningsartiklar med negativa resultat eller nollresultat som inte antagits för publicering i andra tidskrifter som hellre publicerar positiva eller statistiskt signifikanta resultat.

Europe PMC
Provides comprehensive access to life sciences literature from trusted sources. With Europe PMC you can search and read publications, preprints and other documents enriched with links to supporting data, reviews, protocols, and other relevant resources.

Accepts research in over two hundred subject areas across science, engineering, medicine, and the related social sciences and humanities. We evaluate research on the basis of scientific validity, strong methodology, and high ethical standards—not perceived significance. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research, replication studies, negative and null results are all in scope.


Allows scholars to post documents such as working papers, unpublished work, and articles under review (preprints), making them accessible to other researchers and to the public at no cost. Users can also upload revisions of their posted document and supplemental documents such as appendices.

A disciplinary repository for psychological science and neighboring disciplines. Accommodating articles, preprints, research data, code, supplements, preregistrations, tests and multimedia objects, PsychArchives provides a digital space that integrates all research-related content relevant to psychology.

The Psychology Research Network
The Psychology Research Network on SSRN is an open access preprint server that provides a venue for authors to showcase their research papers in our digital library, speeding up the dissemination and providing the scholarly community access to groundbreaking working papers, early stage research and even peer reviewed or published journal articles

Open archive of the social sciences, provides a free, non-profit, open access platform for social scientists to upload working papers, preprints, and published papers, with the option to link data and code.