Here you will find links to political science institutions and departments at Swedish universities as well as international political science associations and organizations.
Här återfinns länkar till statsvetenskapliga institutioner och avdelningar vid svenska universitet och högskolor samt till internationella statsvetenskapliga förbund och organisationer.
IPSA is an international scholarly association. Its objectives are to promote the advancement of political science through the collaboration of scholars in different parts of the world. It has consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and with UNESCO.
APSA brings together political scientists from all fields of inquiry, regions, and occupational endeavours within and outside academe in order to expand awareness and understanding of politics.
LASA is a professional Association for individuals and institutions engaged in the study of Latin America. It brings together experts on Latin America from all disciplines and diverse occupational endeavours, across the globe.
PSA exists to develop and promote the study of politics. It is the leading Association in its field in the UK, with an international membership including academics in political science and current affairs, theorists and practitioners, policy makers, researchers and students in higher education.
BISA is an independent academic organization which promotes the study of International Relations and related subjects. It is a professional organization for academic and practitioners of International Relations in the United Kingdom and beyond.
University of Gothenburg. QOGs objectives is to address the theoretical and empirical problem of how political institutions of high quality can be created and maintained, and to study the effects of Quality of Government on a number of policy areas, such as health, the environment, social policy, and poverty.
Information about different countries' political institutions via comparative data sets.
University of Bern. Collections of political and institutional data. It consists of (mostly) annual data, it might vary between the different datasets. Most data sets contains some additional demographic, socio- and economic variables.
The project is based on quantitative content analyses of parties’ election programs from more than 50 countries covering all free, democratic elections since 1945.
The World Legal Information Institute (WorldLII) is a free, independent and non-profit global legal research facility developed collaboratively by Legal Information Institutes and other organisations from all over the World.
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