Below is a list of the films we have at the library, to borrow please contact me. The films are not possible to request in LUBcat nor visible in LUBcat or LUBsearch, but loans are registered in the library catalog, often for the time length of your wishes. It is also possible to borrow a portable DVD-player.
Most films are only available for teachers at the faculty to borrow.
3 Vital signs, crip culture talks back
4 Barndomens mysterier
6 Förbrytelser
7 Jag hatar hundar - den siste överlevaren ( including Tillbaka till Ararat)
8 The Normal heart
16 Tillsammans
17 Donor unknown
18 Bread and roses (no subtitles)
20 Min onkel
21 Jägarna
24 Happy together
25 The Corporation
26 Orlando
27 Bussresan
28 Lilja 4-ever
29 A short film about killing
30 Medan vi faller / La Haine
31 Bröderna Mozart
32 The culture of emotions
33 A beautiful mind
34 Nanook of the north
35 Sharing an island
36 Viljans triumf
38 Screaming Queens: the Riot at Compton's Cafeteria
39 Fight back, fight aids
40 Understanding sociology : making sense of sociological theory
41 Understanding sociology : from modernity to postmodernity
42 Purpurfärgen
43 Freaks
44 Alla älskar Alice
45 The Squid and the Whale
46 An inconvenient truth
47 Increasing your emotional intelligence: controlling your emotions instead of them controlling you
48 Child slavery (2 parts)
49 Globalisering
50 Jalla Jalla
51 Lone star
52 Tomboy
53 Ditt kompetenta barn
54 Kinsey: let's talk about sex
54 Kinsey: let's talk about sex (swedish subtitles)
55 Mitt liv i rosa/ Ma vie en rose
56 Om jag vänder mig om
57 Savage memory
58 Darling
59 Bamako
60 Reasoning, critical thinking and creativity
61 Kvinnornas krig
62 Tretton dagar
63 Caramel
64 Om konsten att flyga till Kabul
65 A passage to India
66 The Peacekeepers and the Women
67 It's a free world
68 Tjejen som gjorde lumpen / Private Benjamin
69 Black robe
70 Critical thinking : analyzing problems and decisions
71 Social construction of morality
72 Billy Eliott
73 Daddy and Papa
74 Att dricka mindre : motiverande samtalsmetodik i vården
75 Du ska nog se att det går över
76 Zozo
77 Se upp för dårarna
78 Mirror Mirror
79 Doon School chronicles
80 Civilization: Is the West history? Episode 6: Work / Är västvärldens storhetstid förbi?
81 Mammut
82 Fish Tank
83 Svinalängorna
84 Pojken med cykeln
85 Office space
86 Concrete & Sunshine
87 Surplus
88 De ofrivilliga
89 Den nya människan
90 Ebbe : the movie
91 Bedragaren
92 Lasermannen
93 The FBI - a revealing inside look at the bureau
94 The shape of water
95 Paris is burning
96 Drug and Alcohol abuse
97 Boy I am
98 When mother comes home for Christmas
99 Born again
100 A two year old goes to hospital
101 Young children in brief separation (5 parts, study guide included)
102 Rabbit Proof Fence
103 En hjärnas födelse och död
105 När mörkret faller
106 Sicko
107 Äta Sova Dö
108 Bread & Roses
109 Creative thinking
110 Psalmer från köket
111 Good fortune
112 Kalandia
113 Enjoy poverty
114 An ordinary family
115 Dr Money and the boy with no penis
116 Lorang’s way
117 Mellan väggarna
118 Burma VJ
120 Dolt hot/ Caché
121 Playing between elephants
122 Sigrid & Isaac
123 The Nuer
124 Cinema Verité
125 A new we
126 Lukas' moment : an ethno-documentary
127 Det är upp till dig!
128 Flykten från Bastöy
129 Kobra: om Charlotte Rampling
130 Kobra: i upploppens London
131 Why zebras don't get ulcers
132 Tjejen som visste för mycket
133 Thelma & Louise
134 Precious
135 Secrets of the Tribe
136 A Life with Slate
137 Beyond borders
138 Workingman's death
139 Out of control
140 Mitt längtande hjärta
141 Creative healing in mental health
142 En oväntad vänskap
143 Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy
144 The Human face
145 En familj/ August: Osage county
146 Mig äger ingen
147 Gilbert Grape
148 Relational psychotherapy
149 Psychoanalytic therapy
150 Affect-focused Dynamic Psychotherapy
151 I skuggan av värmen
152 This is England
153 8 mile
154 The Honey Hunting
155 Niceville / The Help
157 The Celluloid Closet
158 The Act of Killing
159 A world not ours
160 Vid himlens utkant
161 Rätten till staden
162 Kroppen min
163 Ballroom Dancer
164 Girlhood
165 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
166 Secret life of Babies
167 Halima's path
168 Growing Pains
169 Jojk
170 Democrats
171 The Salt of the earth/ Jordens salt
172 In the Land of the Headhunters
173 Nader och simin
174 Three Approaches to Psychotherapy With a Female Client: The Next Generation
175 Pride
176 Whores' glory
177 North country
178 Children of men
179 MonaLisa Story
180 Franska för nybörjare
181 Little miss sunshine
182 Kate Bornstein is a queer and pleasant danger
183 Hija de la laguna/ Daughter of the Lake
184 Mona- lisas leende
185 12 angry men/ 12 edsvurna män
186 Slaget om Alger
187 NO
188 Sameblod
189 Torment/ Hets
190 Evil/ Ondskan
191 Heroin Town
192 Educating Rita
193 Ida
194 Get out
195 Masaan
196 XXY
197 Turist
198 Lady Bird
199 Lucky
200 Malin Fors: the dynamics of power and privilege in psychotherapy
201 Merchants of doubt
202 The Milk System
203 Raskortet
204 Green Book
205 Stockholmsnatt
206 Paterson
207 Moonlight
208 Priscilla: queen of the desert
209 Framing Agnes
210 The Stepford Wives
211 Crazy Rich Asians
212 Sami: une jeunesse en Laponie/ Sameblod (english subtitles)
213: Descending with angels
214 En man som heter Ove
215 The Forgotten Space
216 A year in the field
217 Sleep Dealer
218 Black Feminst