Searching for scientific sources for an assignment takes time and is a process that should run parallel to reading and writing on your task. As you search for information, you learn more about your subject area, such as which search terms are relevant to use, and which authors and publications are important within the field. When searching for scientific information for your assignment, it is beneficial to search in a structured and systematic way. This way, you can save time and find more relevant information for your needs.
In the illustration below, you can see the different steps of the search process. We have illustrated the process as a circle, since you often need to go back to earlier steps, change search techniques, or add new search terms as your knowledge of the field increases.
To facilitate information searching and avoid duplicating work, it is also helpful to document where and how you have searched for information.
In this video you find tips and tricks on how to search efficiently by using keywords and different search techniques.