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Lund University

Generic knowledge and skills (Portfolio) 12 hp MEPO003


We offer regular (3-4 per semester) workshops to support your portfolio work. The workshops have various themes, but always include a session on the basics of the web tool Mahara and how to structure and build your portfolio. We also offer tips on how to work with the categories/Journals and your reflective texts in your portfolio, You will also have an opportunity to ask questions and discuss the portfolio with other doctoral students.

These workshops are announced via email and under the link below.

The purpose and general methodology of the portfolio is also presented in the PhD course “Introduction to PhD Studies 1 hp” and during a workshop about the portfolio within the Research Methodology course (part of the Research School in Medical Science).

Contact information for individual questions and support

Course director:
Olga Göransson
Phone: 046-222 95 52,
Email: olga.goransson@med.lu.se

Support portfolio work in Mahara web tool                       

Matthias Bank

Phone: 046-222 33 07.

Email: matthias.bank@med.lu.se or Support PhD students

Technical problems with Mahara: