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Lund University

Library Guide for Students at Advanced Level

A help to find, evaluate and structure information needed in a Bachelor or Master Thesis in Physics and Astronomy, and other advanced courses in the subjects. It also consist of how to write, cite and publish.

Access outside Campus

How you get access to electronic library resources outside campus.


If you use the links to resources on the library homepages you should automatically be directed to the CAS-login and enter your STIL-ID to get access.
If you are using other internetlinks from e.g. your favorite list, you need to add the following ip-check as a prefix to the link to you resource.
According to the following examples:
Google Scholar




Alternative 1.

The easiest way is to use an IP-checked double link as mentioned above.



Alternative 2.

Dowload the app to the browser "Google Chrome" from Appstore.

Go to

Click: Settings

Choose: Library links

Search for: Lund

Tick: Lund University Libraries – LUlinker.


Go to Google Scholar and you will get the CAS-login – and login with your LUCAT-id.


Alternative 3

VPN – go to LDC:s support pages

Search for VPN or Forticlient to download the installation guide for the FortiClien- app.

Go to AppStore and download the FortiClient-app.

Comment: The FortiClient-app doesn´t work so well on iPhone och iPad, it will log you out all the time. However does the VPN via FortiClient work well on regular computers.


Do you need more help?

Read more about LUCAT and STIL login at the University Library webpage: