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Luthers Werke

Luthers Werke im WWW Weimarer Ausgabe (WA)

Luthers Werke on the World Wide Web reproduces the Weimar Edition in electronic form. The Weimar Edition, which is regarded as a monumental work in the field of theology and the German language, was first published in 1883 and includes 127 volumes.

Luthers Werke Weimarer Ausgabe (WA) - tryckt/printed

Luther's Works (AE or LW) - tryckt/printed



Luther's Works. Vol. 55

Vogel's Cross Reference and Index to the Contents of Luther's Works

Product description: Most references to Luther's works in scholarly writing are made to either the Weimar edition, the St. Louis edition, or the Erlangen edition. Readers of Luther’s Works: American Edition, which is a selection of Luther's works, often ask whether a given reference to the Weimar, St. Louis, or Erlangen editions is included in the American edition. This cross reference facilitates finding such references in volumes 1–54 of Luther’s Works: American Edition.

Hilfsbuch zum Lutherstudium / Kurt Aland

Das Hilfsbuch zum Lutherstudium ist seit Jahrzehnten das Standardwerk der Lutherforschung, mit dessen Hilfe die unüberschaubare Fülle der Lutherschriften erschlossen werden kann.

Annotationer till varje volym i Luther's Works via Logos Bible Software

Annotationer till varje volym (även 56- ) i Luther's Works via utgivande förlaget Concordia


An Index of the Works of Martin Luther  (cross-reference index to the three editions below of the works of Martin Luther; part of Steve's Lutheran Pages)

The St. Louis German Edition ("St. L."):
Dr. Martin Luthers Saemmtliche Schriften
(The Complete Works of Dr. Martin Luther)
Dr. Johannes Georg Walch, Ed.
Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis
22 vols., 1885-1910

The American English Edition ("AE" or "LW"):
Luther's Works
Jaroslav Pelikan and Helmut T. Lehmann, Ed.
Muhlenberg Press, Philadelphia
55 vols., 1957-1986

The Weimar Edition ("Weimarer Ausgabe" = "WA"):
D. Martin Luthers Werke: Kritische Gesammtausgabe
(Dr. Martin Luther's Works: Critical Collected Edition)
Hermann Böhlau, Weimar
Later volumes published by H. Böhlaus Nachfolger
121 vols., 1883-2009, including:

DB = Die deutsche Bibel (The German Bible), 15 vols.
Br = Briefwechsel (Correspondence), 18 vols.
TR = Tischreden (Table Talk), 6 vols.