What is the essence of academic writing?
Why should I quote and cite when I write an academic text?
Denna webbplats är skapad av biblioteket på Blekinge Tekniska Högskola för att du som student ska få stöd i ditt akademiska skrivande. Här hittar du handfasta råd om skrivprocess, hur man hanterar källor och referenser samt hur du kan publicera.
Samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetens bibliotek vid Lunds universitet
Research Methods – Social Sciences A guide to a selection of books on methods, research and academic writing in the social sciences. All books are available at the Social Science Faculty Library or as an e-book.
Sage Research Methods is a tool designed to help you create research projects and understand the methods behind them. Here you'll find over 1400 method terms described and about 600 books and encyclopedias on research methods.
The AWELU platform is an online resource for academic writing in English at Lund University.
It should be noted that AWELU is not a course platform, but a resource platform for self-help, in the sense that the resources have been designed to help individual users working with their texts