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Lund University

Library Guide for Physicists

Library guide for physics students

Contains resources on how to search, academic writing & conduct, critical evaluation, copy right issues, etc.

Course guides

The librarians can help you set up a library
guide tailored for your course.
Library guides are available for the following

How to handle student papers in LUP as Examinator / Supervisor

Your student have to register and upload his/her thesis in LUP.

It is mandatory for your student register and archive the thesis in fulltext in the LUP Student Papers database.

As teacher/examinator you need to review and approve the registration.

Follow this step-by-step:

1.   You need to register as a teacher in LUP
2.   Your student uploads the thesis
3.   You review and approve the thesis in LUP
4.   Your librarian than makes the thesis registreration public

Textbooks for my course

Ouriginal (Urkund)


Ouriginal is a system designed to detect plagiarism. Lund University holds a campus license for the Ouriginal system, and it is intended to be used for
all theses written within undergraduate and advanced level education. Several courses at Lund University also utilize it for other assignments.
Ouriginal is also meant for works conducted in doctoral-level education.

Follow the instructions on the following link:

The Feynman Lectures on Physics