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Lund University


Biology library guide to information searches

Find similar publications

If you have problems finding the right search terms there is an alternative method to find relevant publications. Many databases have a function that will find similar publications based on the reference list (instead of search terms).

Publications that have cited the same sources are likely dealing with similar research questions even if they haven't used the same words to describe it. To use this function you need to have found at least one publications that is relevant to your subject.

Quick links to similar publications

Web of Science
When you click on a publication in the result list you can in the right hand margin under "Citation Network" find a link called  "View related records". NB! Only if the record is present in the database "Web of Science Core Collection". This link leads to a new result list with publications that share references with the publication you started from. The result list is sorted according to how many references the publications share (more references are higher up).
When you click on a publication you can to the right find something called "Related documents" with a few suggestions of similar publications. Further down in this list you can find a link called "View all related documents based on references", that leads to a new result list.
Google Scholar
Under each search result you can find a link called "Related articles" that leads to a new result list with similar publications.
When you click on a search result, you will see to the right a heading called "Similar articles" with a few suggestions. At the bottom of this list are links to more publications.