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Lund University


Vilken databas indexerar en viss tidskrift, dvs. gör den sökbar på artikelnivå?

Sök i Ulrichsweb och få fakta om en viss tidskrift, bl a uppgifter om i vilken databas tidskriften indexeras.

What is Ulrichsweb?

Ulrichsweb is an easy to search source of detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals (also called serials) of all types: academic and scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more.

What does it include?

Ulrichsweb covers more than 900 subject areas. Ulrich's records provide data points such as ISSN, publisher, language, subject, abstracting & indexing coverage, full-text database coverage, tables of contents, and reviews written by librarians.