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Lund University

How slides support information processing or- how to avoid "death by powerpoint"



In each group

Analyse the slides below and discuss whether you find them easy to process or not.


Are any of the principles applied?


If not, could applying a principle make it easier to process the slide information?


No documentation of your discussion needed!

Focus on the oral exchange and to discuss the slides.

In the box below

  • you find slides to analyse. The group decides which slides to focus more or less on. For some slides you need to click twice to incllude the animation .

In the box to the right

  • More videos to explain Mayer's principles (if you need or for later if you are interested)
  • Summary of the theory in text

Good luck
I will send you a message when you are siúpposed to leave breakout rooms and return to mainroom!!


Slides to analyze
