Nu finns bilddatabasen Britannica ImageQuest, med nästan tre miljoner bilder, tillgänglig via Lunds universitets bibliotek. Så här beskrivs bilddatabasen på Britannicas hemsida:
Named a Best Database by School Library Journal and Best of Show at ISTE, Britannica® ImageQuest™ brings lessons, assignments, and projects to life with close to three million rights-cleared images from 59 leading collections … and growing! The Bridgeman Art Gallery, Dorling Kindersley Images, Getty Images, the National Portrait Gallery of London, the National Geographic Society, and other top names have joined with Britannica to provide the best and broadest collection of curriculum-relevant imagery which is rights-cleared for educational, non-commercial use.
Danska Statens museum for kunst släpper nu tiotusentals konstverk fria. Det handlar om konstverk där konstnären varit död i mer än 70 år och där upphovsrätten har löpt ut.
Discover the platform and the artworks of the City of Paris' museums; a one-of-a-kind collection of over 180,000 artwork presentation pages, bibliographical resources and archives, ranging from Archeology to Contemporary Art.
The Web Gallery of Art is a virtual museum and searchable database of Western (European) fine arts of the Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, and Impressionism periods (1000-1900), currently containing over 33.300 reproductions. Artist biographies, commentaries, guided tours, period music, catalogue, free postcard and mobile services are provided.
UbuWeb is a completely independent resource dedicated to all strains of the avant-garde, ethnopoetics, and outsider arts.
All materials on UbuWeb are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights belong to the author(s).
Bilders makt är en fritt tillgänglig kunskapsbank med bilder, filmer, artiklar och fördjupningsmaterial om rasistiska stereotypa bilder. Genom att berätta om bildernas historia, funktion och teman erbjuder Bilders Makt ett verktyg för fördjupad visuell läskunnighet om rasistiska stereotyper.
Museums large and small, classic and modern, world-renowned and community-based from over 40 countries have contributed more than 40,000 high-resolution images of works ranging from oil on canvas to sculpture and furniture. Some paintings are available in ‘gigapixel’ format, allowing you to zoom in at brushstroke level to examine incredible detail.
The project aims to create high-quality, most complete and well-structured online repository of fine art. We hope to make classical art a little more accessible and comprehensible, and also want to provide a new form of interaction between contemporary artists and their audience. In the future we plan to cover the entire history of art — from cave artworks to the new talents of today.